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Article by Ayman Alheraki in September 22 2024 08:13 AM

The Importance of Using virtual in C++ Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

The Importance of Using virtual in C++ Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

In C++, object-oriented programming (OOP) is a powerful paradigm that enables programmers to build complex, maintainable, and scalable applications. One of the key concepts that enable flexibility and reusability in OOP is polymorphism, which is largely achieved through the use of the virtual keyword. In modern C++, the proper use of virtual is critical to building sophisticated systems that leverage the full potential of inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism.

This article will explain the importance of using virtual in C++, the benefits it provides, especially in modern C++, and how it contributes to more efficient, flexible, and maintainable code.

What is the virtual Keyword?

In C++, the virtual keyword is used to enable runtime polymorphism, which allows a derived class to override methods in a base class. When a function is declared as virtual in a base class, the derived class can provide its own implementation, and the correct method will be called dynamically at runtime depending on the object’s actual type.


Here, the display() method is declared virtual in the Base class. This ensures that, even if the object is referred to as a Base pointer, the Derived class's display() function will be called, thanks to runtime polymorphism.

Key Benefits of Using virtual

  1. Runtime Polymorphism:

    • Polymorphism is the ability to call the appropriate method at runtime, depending on the actual type of the object. Without the virtual keyword, C++ performs compile-time binding, which means that the method to be called is determined at compile time, based on the pointer or reference type, not the actual object type. With virtual, however, C++ switches to runtime binding (or dynamic dispatch), which allows for more flexible and reusable code.

  2. Simplifying Code Maintenance:

    • In large, complex systems, it’s common to deal with hierarchies of classes. By using virtual functions, you can centralize common behavior in base classes while allowing specific behavior to be implemented in derived classes. This reduces code duplication and makes it easier to extend or modify your program.

  3. Support for Dynamic and Extensible Systems:

    • Virtual functions are particularly useful when designing systems where new types of objects may be added in the future. By providing an interface with virtual methods in a base class, new types can be easily integrated without changing the existing code that uses polymorphism to interact with objects.

  4. Avoiding Code Duplication:

    • Virtual functions allow for clean and organized code reuse. You can define common functionality in a base class while enabling derived classes to override only the parts that need customization.

  5. The override Keyword in Modern C++:

    • In C++11 and later versions, the override keyword was introduced to explicitly specify that a derived class is overriding a virtual function. This makes the code safer, as the compiler can check that the derived class is correctly overriding a base class function. If there's a mismatch (e.g., a typo in the function signature), the compiler will generate an error.

  6. Abstract Classes and Interfaces:

    • Abstract classes in C++ are classes that have one or more pure virtual functions. A pure virtual function is declared using the = 0 syntax and forces derived classes to provide an implementation. Abstract classes are used to define interfaces in C++.

    In modern C++, abstract classes with virtual functions allow for clean and flexible designs, enabling developers to define behaviors that must be implemented by derived classes.

Virtual Inheritance: Solving the Diamond Problem

Another important aspect of the virtual keyword in C++ is its use in virtual inheritance. This solves the diamond problem, which occurs when a class inherits from two classes that both inherit from a common base class.

Without virtual inheritance, the derived class would end up with multiple copies of the base class, leading to ambiguity and inefficiency. By declaring the inheritance of the base class as virtual, the derived class ensures that only one instance of the base class exists, shared between both base classes.

Here, Base will only be included once in Derived thanks to virtual inheritance. This prevents issues like multiple copies of value in Derived.

Performance Considerations

While virtual functions offer flexibility, they come with a slight performance overhead. When you call a virtual function, C++ uses a vtable (virtual table) to determine which function to call at runtime. This involves an indirect lookup, which can slow down function calls compared to non-virtual functions. However, this overhead is generally minimal and outweighed by the design benefits, especially in large, complex systems where flexibility and extensibility are crucial.

Best Practices for Using virtual in Modern C++

  1. Use override to Ensure Correct Function Overriding: In modern C++, always use the override keyword when overriding a virtual function. It helps the compiler catch errors if the function signature in the derived class doesn’t match the base class.

  2. Prefer Virtual Inheritance Only When Necessary: Virtual inheritance should only be used when you need to solve the diamond problem. If you don’t need shared base classes, avoid virtual inheritance because it adds complexity and overhead.

  3. Use Abstract Classes for Interfaces: When designing a system that relies on polymorphism, define abstract base classes with pure virtual functions. This ensures that derived classes will provide specific implementations, while clients can interact with objects via the base class interface.

  4. Optimize Virtual Function Use: If runtime polymorphism isn’t necessary, avoid making functions virtual. This can improve performance by enabling the compiler to optimize function calls.


The virtual keyword is a cornerstone of object-oriented programming in C++, enabling runtime polymorphism, flexible code design, and the effective use of abstract interfaces. Its careful application can lead to cleaner, more maintainable code, especially in large-scale systems. However, with this power comes responsibility. Developers should be mindful of when and how to use virtual to balance flexibility with performance.

In modern C++, features like the override keyword and improvements in the compiler’s ability to optimize virtual function calls have made the use of virtual more robust and safer than ever. By mastering virtual inheritance, polymorphism, and abstract classes, C++ developers can create powerful, extensible systems that are easier to maintain and extend.


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